Sunday, April 19, 2015

MMC1: Let's get our photos organized!

Do you have a system for organizing your family photos?!  Or are they all sitting on your camera, computer or in boxes?!  You are not alone!  Many of us find keeping up with photos very overwhelming, simply because we don't know where to start and feel behind before we even start.  I can relate to the feeling but feel over the years I have simplified my process and have made things much easier on myself.  So, I'd like to help you get organized and get those special memories in order!

So, here is a challenge for you....Get your photos organized with me!  What do I mean?!  Join me on a quest to get organized and a jump start in the next 3 weeks on your photos.  If you accept my challenge I will add you a private Facebook group for Memory Keeping.  You don't need to buy a thing, the group will serve as a place to share ideas, help hold each other accountable and provide regular tips and encouragement. 

Step 1: Email me at with a subject line of "Memory Keeping Challenge Accepted".  In the body, give me your name and Facebook name.

Step 2: Like my Facebook page: so that you receive all my creative posts ;)

Step 3: Subscribe to my blog to get all my post updates.  All you do is enter your email on the subscribe box on the right hand column and check your spam to approve the subscription.

Step 4: Get Started! 
  • Week 1
    • Pick your first project. You do not have to start 15 years ago, where you left off!  You can simply choose a year, season, occasion or anything else that interests you right now.  For example, if you just returned from a vacation that you are still excited about...start there.  Or start, with last year if it is still fresh in your mind.  Other ideas, baby's first year, wedding, vacation, last summer....anything!
    • Print the pictures!  This might take you a couple hours, but you need to do it. 
      • I like to upload my pictures from my camera, to my computer, to the store I want to pick them up at. 
      • Take a look around for deals if you are flexible.  Personally, I can usually always find a $0.12 / photo or so deal at my local CVS.  I may see a couple cents cheaper deal somewhere else, but I rather use a place that is nearby.
Next step is picking your Memory Keeping Method.  That will be my next post....coming soon!

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