Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Favorite Easter Tradition

Since I was a kid I loved Easter. I think I enjoyed it even more than Christmas. It was all because of our Cascarones/Confetti Eggs.  It sounds a little odd to people who aren't familiar with them, but it is a ton of fun.

Making Mexican Cascarones

To make your cascarones, all you have to do is gently crack the top of an egg, peel away a small piece of shell, and let the egg drip out into a bowl. Rinse the egg thoroughly and let it dry.

Then use an egg dying kit to decorate the egg. Allow it to dry again, then fill with confetti and close the hole by gluing a scrap of colorful tissue paper over the opening. Then they are all ready. The hardest part is finding real confetti. I buy mine at a Mexicsn store. I don't buy the expensive foil kind from party stores.

On Easter, we write a value on them on the bottom ($.25/$.$10/a couple dollar ones) or whatever. After the egg hunt, we cash in ou eggs and then to the fun. Everyone is then free to crack their eggs on each other's heads. Again, I said it sounds weird if you are not used to the tradition, but it is really fun. To this day our parents hide eggs for us big kids who want to play too! Lol

Warning: Walmart sells some, but the egg shells are extremely hard and not crackable. If the kids try to crack those they can really hurt each other.

Hope you enjoyed this post and give it a try!


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